It’s OK… Twijfel-circle #5

26 July 2023

11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Gathering on the concept of ‘doubt’.

Invite someone along

On 26 July, the fifth of eight public circle meetings around the concept of doubt will take place. In this circle get-together with Ben Dragstra, working at the Salvation Army, we will discuss through various reflections the role of doubt in society our personal existence and the neighbourhood we live in.

For this meeting, Queer Currents has invited Baptist pastor Essemie van Dunné for a Queer Church Service. Besides her work as a pastor, Van Dunné is a child and youth worker in Amsterdam Noord.

Making images, of each other, of ourselves, of the world, of the future, of God. Can we let it be? Can we shake off the images that exist of us? It's a biblical theme. Don't make an image of me! Images of God and man are of all times. The church in particular has taken a hard look at it. According to Essemie van Dunné this is unbiblical. Can we let go of the images and believe again in ourselves, others and life

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Praktische informatie
Tickets niet online verkrijgbaar, enkel bij entree Oude Kerk.

Over It's OK... commoning uncertainties

Deze cirkel is onderdeel van het meerjarige collectieve kunstproject It’s OK… commoning uncertainties rondom het gemeenschappelijk maken van onzekerheden en het verhalen van verschillende realiteiten. It’s OK... is samengesteld op initiatief van Jeanne van Heeswijk door meer dan honderd makers, denkers, activisten, kunstenaars, buurtbewoners. Lees hier meer over het project.