It's OK... Doubt-circle #4

12 July 2023

3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Gathering on the concept of doubt.

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On 12 July, the fourth of eight public circle gathering around 'doubt' will take place. In this circle get-together with Ben Dragstra, who works at the Salvation Army, we will discuss through various reflections the role of doubt in society our personal existence and the neighbourhood we live in.

Our guest is religion scholar and philosopher Kamel Essabane. He calls himself a 'born-again Muslim'. Essabane: 'I had great doubts about Islam as a faith and, having sniffed at atheism, had to rediscover it for myself.' He added: '(...) in a spiritual sense, without dogmatism or the illusion that there is one true Islam. I discovered that Islam has a rich philosophical and mystical tradition (Sufism).' Essabane joins the audience in a conversation about these personal experiences.

Oude kerk 19 06 2023 LND Wstudio 0008

About Kamel Essabane
Kamel Essabane is a PhD student at Radboud University, researching the contributions of primary Islamic religious education to citizenship education in the Netherlands. He first studied civil engineering in Rotterdam, and then at Utrecht University: Philosophy, Religious Studies and at the religion/life philosophy teacher training programme (first degree). At Fahm Institute, he teaches the Islamic philosophy course and he co-authored the book 'The Son of the Gazelle', a retranslation of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan, a classic of Islamic philosophy, which won the public award best philosophical children's book of 2022.

About It's OK... commoning uncertainties
This circle is part of the multi-year collective art project It's OK... commoning uncertainties and narrating different realities. From May 26 to September 24 in the Oude Kerk, for more information about It's OK... look here.